About Us

Warrior Hero Brands name was born from James Campbell's theory about the Hero’s Journey. A hero has a mission, they embark on the journey to conquer their mission and at the end come home and enjoy the fruits of their labor or mission. 

(Hero’s Journey:

The Hero’s Journey is a narrative framework that describes the common structure of many myths, stories, and even real-life experiences. It was popularized by Joseph Campbell, a renowned mythologist. The Hero’s Journey typically involves a protagonist who embarks on an adventure, faces various trials and challenges, undergoes personal transformation, and finally returns home with newfound wisdom or a boon to benefit their community. It consists of several stages, including the Call to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, Meeting with the Mentor, Crossing the Threshold, Tests, Allies, and Enemies, Approach to the Inmost Cave, Ordeal, Reward, and finally, Return with the Elixir. This pattern can be found in numerous works of literature, movies, and other forms of storytelling.  According to James Campbell, the Star Wars movie perfectly demonstrates the Hero’s journey with Luke Sky Walker being the protagonist and meeting Obi Wan Kenobi as the Master Swordsman but also the Mentor that helps him through his journey. )

Everyone is a hero! As you embark or continue on your Warrior Hero journey, we tag along by providing you the best apparel and accessories. 

Always strive to be a better version of yourself! This is our core vision, value and mission and we challenge ourselves every day to become better. By constantly finding new ways to be better at serving you and your apparel needs as you continue your Hero journey.